By redistributing wealth to folx that are planting seeds for an improved future, we hope to raise the collective vibration and contribute to bringing in a new world.
We currently have one round of funding per year and have funded multiple projects across the globe.
Through this online hub, wavemakers can learn from each other’s expertise, exchange knowledge, and infuse it into action on the ground. They can take inspiration, reciprocate support, and collaborate around common passions and projects.
At Start the Wave, we are utilizing the internet to create a web of change, building upon each other’s efforts towards collective liberation and connecting the dots to a brighter future.
We are in this together and we are stronger as one.
Thank you for learning more about us and being a part of the change.
Our pillars are the themes and areas that we choose to focus on at Start the Wave.
They are our foundation, and what holds us up.