Yes, Start the Wave is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation as recognized by the U.S. IRS and the State of Delaware.

Start the Wave, Inc. Board of Directors are:

Li Herrera-Hernandez
Chan Cain
Dom PC

Any comments or questions for the board of directors can be sent through the Contact page.

You can find much of our financial or IRS documentation on our Transparency page. Any requests for additional information or documents can be sent via our Contact page. Any such documents that we are able to provide will be offered free of charge and in a downloadable format.

Start the Wave is run by a passionate group of volunteers, most of whom work full-time and are actively involved in their local communities.

You can find out more about these wonderful folx by visiting our Meet the Team page.

We are always open to collaborating and evolving our network!

You can find our latest volunteer postings on our Volunteer page.

Start the Wave is an inclusive community that welcomes wavemakers from all walks of life. Whether you are invested in humanitarian causes, curious about creating change, or a passionate activist — this is the place for you.


At Start the Wave, we understand that each of us holds our own set of perspectives formed from our diverse lived experiences and, therefore, we celebrate the unique nature of the magic each of us hold within.


In a safe and supportive space, we strive to deepen our awareness, evolve equitably, and create a container for lasting and impactful change.


Welcome to our community, we are so happy you have found us!

The STW Community Platform is a safe and supportive online space where wavemakers can share hurdles they may have come up against, offer resources that could be helpful, spread and support other missions that excite them, cross pollinate, collaborate, share events, fundraise and so much more.


Our community is currently open to our STW Funded Projects, Eco Merch Creators and Extended Soul Family.

Our primary channel of communication is via the Contact Us form, which is monitored and can be used to send us a direct message.


Instagram is predominantly used as our social media platform to communicate to our wider community through posts and stories.


Please note, DMs on Instagram are not regularly monitored and may not receive a response.


We do not use Twitter and will not be monitoring any engagements as it relates to Start the Wave.

We are so grateful to each person who takes the time to reach out.

While we would love to respond to all of the emails or direct messages via Instagram, the Start the Wave team is small, and each volunteer also has a day job.

There are many topics/events/emails that require careful consideration and thought in order to provide each individual the care and attention that they deserve, so some responses may take longer than others.

Though we strive to do our very best, please be aware that there may be times we are unable to respond.

Our partners are organizations or individuals with whom we have entered into a more formal arrangement to work towards a common goal; it is more of a collaborative relationship.

STW and any such partner remain independent entities and have no control over one another’s business decisions.

At the moment, STW only has one partner, another nonprofit called EH Con Canada, for EH Con Canada’s 2022 EH Con convention.

Affiliates and/or Chapters are those that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, are controlled by, or are under common control with an entity. STW does not currently have any Affiliates or Chapters.

There are also individuals or organizations who STW allows to use the STW name and/or logo through a formal licensing agreement. Currently, we only provide such licensing rights to our Eco-Merch creators.

Lastly, there are individuals and groups/organizations that we amplify on our social media and through our site. We are not partnered or affiliated with these individuals or groups/organizations, but we do believe that they are doing important work and want to let others know about it.

Start the Wave’s primary focus is supporting grassroots initiatives around the world that apply for funding through our STW project submission form found here



By donating to Start the Wave you are helping fund projects that may not traditionally get funding from other sources. 



Please note that the global pandemic of COVID-19 caused unexpected delays in our opening up for funding. Due to those delays, in 2020, we made the decision to forward funds to the following organizations: The Ali Forney Center, Trans Lifeline, Black Youth Helpline, Know Your Rights Camp, the World Food Programme, the Black Health Alliance, Partners in Health, WKU’s ISEC Black Male Initiative, and Loveland Therapy Fund



Since then, however, all donations have gone to our STW Funded Projects initiatives and operational costs.

Please visit our Contact page to submit any additional questions.