The boxes and labels that society has enforced upon us are limiting, confining and detrimental to our evolution. We need all of our colours present and healthy to birth new radical and inspired ways.

We appreciate that the journey to PRIDE in a world that condemns LGBTQ2IA+ individuals can be long and arduous. We understand the importance of creating safe, brave and authentic spaces to support one another, as chosen family does.

PRIDE is sitting in the beauty of your being and celebrating your queerness.

It is knowing that gender, sexuality and identity are not fixed but fluid, and it is embracing the daily discovery into the truth of your heart, body and soul.

What would it take to rewire our fear of “otherness” and weave it into a connected web of allyship?

How can we celebrate all communities, with our rich and diverse lived experiences, to learn from one another and evolve?


The boxes and labels that society has enforced upon us are limiting, confining and detrimental to our evolution. We need all of our colours present and healthy to birth new radical and inspired ways.

We appreciate that the journey to PRIDE in a world that condemns LGBTQ2IA+ individuals can be long and arduous. We understand the importance of creating safe, brave and authentic spaces to support one another, as chosen family does.

PRIDE is sitting in the beauty of your being and celebrating your queerness.

It is knowing that gender, sexuality and identity are not fixed but fluid, and it is embracing the daily discovery into the truth of your heart, body and soul.

What would it take to rewire our fear of “otherness” and weave it into a connected web of allyship?

How can we celebrate all communities, with our rich and diverse lived experiences, to learn from one another and evolve?


PRIDE Projects

Queer Trans Project

We are a black-led and trans-led organization on a mission to provide gender-empowering resources to LGBTQ+ individuals all across the world so that they have

PRIDE Resources


We build power by organizing our impact around campaigns that amplify our collective voice. The voice that represents over 60 million Latinx (and growing). Building power for a campaign or an issue requires that our targets feel public pressure and see interest in our fight. Persistencia amplifies our

Audre Lorde Project

The Audre Lorde Project is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit, Trans and Gender Non Conforming People of Color center for community organizing, focusing on the New York City area. Through mobilization, education and capacity-building, we work for community wellness and progressive social and economic justice. Committed to struggling across differences, we seek to responsibly reflect, represent and serve our various

A Genda Agenda – Supporting Intersex, Trans & Gender Diverse people

WE WORK WITH AND ON BEHALF OF INTERSEX, TRANS AND GENDER DIVERSE PEOPLE, THEIR FRIENDS, FAMILIES AND ALLIES. A Gender Agenda aims to support the goals and needs of the intersex, transgender and gender diverse communities of Canberra and the surrounding region. Through education, advocacy, peer support and professional networks we connect people to each other and build off the wisdom of collective experiences. For over fifteen years, AGA has represented a gold standard of TGD+I support that is unique in Australia.

On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous

On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous is a letter from a son to a mother who cannot read. Written when the speaker, Little Dog, is in his late twenties, the letter unearths a family’s history that began before he was born — a history whose epicenter is rooted in Vietnam — and serves as a doorway into parts of his life his mother has never known, all of it leading to an unforgettable revelation. At once a witness to the fraught yet undeniable love between a single mother and her son, it is also a brutally honest exploration of race, class, and masculinity. Asking questions central to our American moment, immersed as we are in addiction, violence, and trauma, but undergirded by compassion and tenderness, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous is as much about the power of telling one’s own story as it is about the obliterating silence of not being

The House of GG

Founded and led by Trans and gender nonconforming people and our allies, we create safe and transformative spaces where members of our community can heal—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—from the trauma arising from generations of transphobia, racism, sexism, poverty, ableism and violence, and nurture them into tomorrow’s leaders. We currently primarily focus on supporting and nurturing the leadership of Transgender women of color living in the U.S.

The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson

When Stonewall Veteran and beloved Greenwich Village personality Marsha P Johnson turned up dead shortly after Gay Pride in 1992, it was the latest in a series of murders, gay bashings, and mysterious deaths in the local gay community. Johnson is seen in footage at a political march shortly before this, at an action trying to draw attention to these hate crimes. Tragically, Johnson then becomes the next victim. Like the other suspicious deaths, Johnson’s death is quickly dismissed as a suicide, even though there is no evidence that Johnson was suicidal, and significant evidence that Johnson was harassed and stalked on that very night. Demonstrations are held to protest the lack of police investigation, but it is not until decades later that transgender crime advocate Victoria Cruz succeeds in getting some