The boxes and labels that society has enforced upon us are limiting, confining and detrimental to our evolution. We need all of our colours present and healthy to birth new radical and inspired ways.

We appreciate that the journey to PRIDE in a world that condemns LGBTQ2IA+ individuals can be long and arduous. We understand the importance of creating safe, brave and authentic spaces to support one another, as chosen family does.

PRIDE is sitting in the beauty of your being and celebrating your queerness.

It is knowing that gender, sexuality and identity are not fixed but fluid, and it is embracing the daily discovery into the truth of your heart, body and soul.

What would it take to rewire our fear of “otherness” and weave it into a connected web of allyship?

How can we celebrate all communities, with our rich and diverse lived experiences, to learn from one another and evolve?


The boxes and labels that society has enforced upon us are limiting, confining and detrimental to our evolution. We need all of our colours present and healthy to birth new radical and inspired ways.

We appreciate that the journey to PRIDE in a world that condemns LGBTQ2IA+ individuals can be long and arduous. We understand the importance of creating safe, brave and authentic spaces to support one another, as chosen family does.

PRIDE is sitting in the beauty of your being and celebrating your queerness.

It is knowing that gender, sexuality and identity are not fixed but fluid, and it is embracing the daily discovery into the truth of your heart, body and soul.

What would it take to rewire our fear of “otherness” and weave it into a connected web of allyship?

How can we celebrate all communities, with our rich and diverse lived experiences, to learn from one another and evolve?


PRIDE Projects

Queer Trans Project

We are a black-led and trans-led organization on a mission to provide gender-empowering resources to LGBTQ+ individuals all across the world so that they have

PRIDE Resources

Love, Simon

A young coming-of-age tale about a teenage boy, Simon Spier, goes through a different kind of Romeo and Juliet story. Simon has a love connection with a boy, Blue, by email, but the only problem is that Simon has no idea who he’s talking to. Simon must discover who that boy i who Blue is. Along the way, he tries to find himself as

Allconnect: LGBTQ youth resources: Bridging the digital divide

As Americans regroup after two years of a pandemic lifestyle, studies are revealing that youth who are in the sexual and gender minority are experiencing depression and anxiety at a faster rate than other groups. In fact, The Trevor Project 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health found that “45% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year,” with 60% of the youth who wanted mental health care in the past year unable to access it. The survey also found that 73% of LGBTQ youth reported having symptoms of anxiety. Being an LGBTQ young person, unfortunately, means that during their critical adolescent years, they can often feel isolated and misunderstood, lacking the resources they need to maintain their mental health. With pandemic-related measures in place across the country, youth are at an even greater risk of social isolation and depression. But online resources, including supportive and educational materials, can help them maintain mental and emotional health. In a Catch-22, the internet can make this necessary information accessible, but only if you have access to the internet. In this guide, Allconnect researchers take a look at available online resources, as well as address the digital divide and homeless issues within the LGBTQ youth

Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments

Beautifully written and deeply researched, Wayward Lives recreates the experience of young urban black women who desired an existence qualitatively different than the one that had been scripted for them—domestic service, second-class citizenship, and respectable poverty—and whose intimate revolution was apprehended as crime and pathology. For the first time, young black women are credited with shaping a cultural movement that transformed the urban landscape. Through a melding of history and literary imagination, Wayward Lives recovers their radical aspirations and insurgent

Center for Black Equity

To promote a multinational LGBTQ+ network dedicated to improving health and wellness opportunities, economic empowerment, and equal rights while promoting individual and collective work, responsibility, and

Stone Butch Blues

Woman or man? This internationally acclaimed novel looks at the world through the eyes of Jess Goldberg, a masculine girl growing up in the Ozzie and Harriet McCarthy era and coming out as a young butch lesbian in the pre-Stonewall gay drag bars of a blue-collar town. Stone Butch Blues traces a propulsive journey, powerfully evoking history and politics while portraying an extraordinary protagonist full of longing, vulnerability, and working-class grit. This once-underground classic takes the reader on a roller-coaster ride of gender transformation and exploration and ultimately speaks to the heart of anyone who has ever suffered or gloried in being